Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Bianca's tooth repair

Today we took Bianca to the dentist to see what it could be done about her chipped tooth. The dentist took a quick look and said it wasn't anything major. He also said the tooth could be easily fixed, but it could also easily break again. So we just decided to leave it alone for now. Besides, they would have to put her to sleep in order to fix the tooth... it would not be worth it. 

As I've already posted here before I had a terrible experience in the past with Giovanna. They also had to put her to sleep to fix a decayed tooth. I cried the whole time until she wakes up. If you ever had to watch your kid being sedated you probably know what I am talking about.

I would never do that to Bianca, specially knowing her tooth could easy break again by just biting a piece of bread. (That was what the dentist said).

So that is how Bianca's smile will look like for a while.

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