Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Book of Mormon

I am studying the Book of Mormon. I have started it about a month ago. I actually have started reading it several times before, but I have never really finished it. I always ended up not understanding some chapters and giving up afterwards. 

This time I am reading/studying it along with a book a friend of mine gave me. It is called My Book of Mormon Study Guide - Diagrams, Doodles & Insights by Shannon Foster. It breaks down chapter by chapter explaining concepts and providing some historical insights to help us better understand what was going on around that time. It's been working great for me! It turned my studying much more smooth and pleasant.

I also write definitions and some thoughts on my journal while studying the Book of Mormon. I have a journal where I write about my days, the kids, trials, our family experience, etc, and I have another one where I write about spiritual things - a General Conference talk that touches me, or a spiritual experience I have, and now my own insights about the Book of Mormon.

Every morning after taking Giovanna to school and putting Bianca down for a nap, I sit down by the window, where the sun enters my living room and the birds are chirping, and I start my daily study.

By reading the Book of Mormon my faith and trust in Jesus Christ and in my dear Heavenly Father has increased. It is also helping me to understand who I am and where I came from. God loves each one of us, He has a plan for us, and wants us to return to His loving arms.

If you would like to receive a free copy of the Book of Mormon just click HERE!

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