Friday, September 15, 2017

My mom

My mom is the most talented person I know. She learned how to sew when she was only nine years old, and worked really hard until she became a very requested professional.

She sewed my wedding dress and my sister's wedding dress. She sews clothes for all of us as well as backpacks, purses, curtains, bed comforters, couch covers, plus anything else you can think of.

But from all the beautiful things she has already made me, this patchwork comforter is my favorite. I absolutely love it, and I am very protective of it. It lays on my bed, and I don't let the kids jump on it, nor I don't allow anyone to lay down on it with a stinky feet.

That is because every time I look at it I can picture my mom making it. I can feel the love, and I almost can feel the smell of fabric spread on her bedroom. I can hear the soft noise of her sewing machine, and I recall those sweet moments when a younger me used to lay on her bed to play, or watch TV, or just to chat while she sewed for long hours.

She truly made a career out of her talented hands. Through sewing she payed the bills, payed for my college, and made sure nothing was ever missing for me or my sister. She is my love and my hero.

I wish I could post all of her amazing work. But here is just a few for you to taste.

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