Monday, October 16, 2017

Busy Week

Hello everybody! After a super busy week I am back!

This past week I worked most of my days on a beautiful project for my nephew's baptism next Sunday. It is not finished yet but it is very close to be done.

Last Friday we headed to Mount Timpanogos Temple to shoot some photos and videos to add to our project. I don't want to spoil the surprise but here are a couple of photos we took on that day.

The weather was perfect - a beautiful blue sky, and a sunny day. I couldn't ask for more. Our photos and videos turned out great! And the kids were awesome! Thank you girls!

Last Sunday Giovanna talked and sang on the Primary Sacrament Meeting. As I have mentioned before we attend a Spanish ward, and Giovi speaks three languages - English, Portuguese and Spanish. She played her part beautifully, and her accent is just too cute! I am such a proud mama!

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