Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Car seats

The girls need new car seats. Bianca has out grown her infant car seat, and Giovanna's car seat is expired. I checked everywhere and two new ones would cost me a lot of money. If you've been following my posts these last days, you know we cannot afford to spend over a $100 in car seats. 

That's when I decided to do some research, and I found out about Safe Kids, an organization dedicated to prevent children's injury through education and awareness programs. Fortunately they have a Safe Kids here in Utah, and it is led by the Utah Department of Health. 

Two weeks ago I participated in a car seat safety class. I learned about how to properly install the car seat, as well as little mistakes we all make on daily basis. It was very instructive, and because I watched this class I qualified for very affordable car seats. 

Today I had an appointment at the UDH to buy the car seats. The lady who helped us was great. She showed me how to properly install them, and gave me some tips about how to keep my girls as safe as possible. I am really happy, and the girls are very excited with their brand new car seats!

Find a Safe Kids in your state HERE!

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