Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Christmas 2017

Things we do on Christmas Eve: 

Dinner: Mom and Dad cook together, and the whole family gets to enjoy delicious food we only eat on Christmas.

Gingerbread House: Every year we build our gingerbread house on Christmas Eve. This year Giovanna was sick (stomachache), so we had to build it on Christmas Day. It was the first time Bianca actually build it - although she was more interested in eating the candies instead of decorating the gingerbread house. Last Christmas she was just a little baby!

Spiritual Message: Which we also had to transfer for Christmas Day. It was just too much for poor Giovi. We talked about Jesus Christ and His perfect example of service, and also reviewed all good things we were able to do for others this Christmas season.

Movie Night: We ALWAYS watch a Christmas movie on Christmas Eve. Always. We've been watching Polar Express lately, but my favorite of all time is Home Alone - 1 and 2.

Cookies and Milk: Before bed the kids leave cookies and milk for Santa, and carrots for the reindeers. 

Things we do on Christmas Day:

Open Presents!!!! 

And enjoy all yummy food from the day before!

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