Friday, December 1, 2017

Lighting our Christmas Tree #lighttheworld - Day 1

Yesterday we set up and lighted our Christmas Tree as part of our Family Home Evening. We talked about Christmas and how Jesus Christ is the light and center of our lives.

 I always reflect about the whole year around Christmas time. I think about my blessings, my trials, my attitude towards them, what I have learned, how I have grown spiritually, and what should be changed on the following year.

Three things I've changed in my life this year:

These simple things have changed my life for better and I am looking forward to keep doing them for the following years to come.

Today we start our countdown for Christmas. I hope we can not only be grateful for our blessings but also be a blessing and a light in somebody's life. 

"Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast outdevils: freely ye have received, freely give" - Matthew 10:8

Ways you can freely give:

-What can you sacrifice today to make someone else's life better?
- Would someone less unfortunate appreciate something you have?
- How can you show your gratitude to someone who has positively affected you?

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