Friday, December 15, 2017

Quincenera #lighttheworld - Day 15

Tonight we attended our very first Quincenera - a celebration of  a girl's 15th birthday in a Latin American culture. We didn't stay the entire ceremony which was from 5pm to 11pm, but the time we were there was really fun!The girls had a blast!

When I turned 15 my sister was turning 18 (we both have birthdays in June), and Brazil was playing in the World Cup, so instead of throwing a quincenera for me, my mom decided to throw a party on the best World Cup style. It was different and fun. We had recently got baptized in the church and all the youth was there! 

(Photos to come)

Look how cute I was! Later on I dated three of the boys in this picture! :)

"Blessed are the merciful: for they shalt obtain mercy". - Matthew 5:7

Ways you can show mercy to others

- Does someone owe you money? Figure out a meaningful way to ease the person's burdens.
- Do you have a colleague buried in too much work? Ask him or her how you can help.
- Know a family struggling to make ends meet? Find a way to make their Christmas special.

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