Monday, December 4, 2017

Samantha's Baptism #lighttheworld - Day 4

Last Saturday the beautiful Samantha got baptized.
In our church children who have achieved the age of  accountability - 8 years old - are baptized by immersion for who has the authority to do it.

The Villatoro girls are growing. I remember attending Emily and Jennifer, Samantha's sisters baptisms.

It brightens my heart to see these beautiful girls making the decision to get baptized and follow the path of our Savior. They will sure grow to be strong and faithful women.

Giovanna is getting ready to be baptized in October 2018.

“And the second is like unto it, thou shalt love thy neigjbour as thyself” - Matthew 22:39

Ways you can love your neighbor:

- Take a moment to have a meaningful conversation with him or her.
- See if your neighbors would be willing to forgo the gifts this year and instead pit the money towards a meaningful cause.
- Pay them a visit,  and deliver some goodies.

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