Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Prophets of God

I became member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in 1998. The President of the church back then was Gordon B. Hinckley. He is the prophet who spoke directly to my heart and who guided me through my first years of church. I will never forget his words exactly one year after I was baptized: "Every convert needs a friend, a responsibility, and nurturing with the good word of God". (Every Convert is Precious, February 1999)

I also remember my excitement when it was announced he would be going to Brazil to rededicate the Sao Paulo Temple. In no time members of the church all over the country gathered in a beautiful celebration to welcome our dear prophet.

The dancers were divided into four groups- green, yellow, blue and red. I was part of the green group. This event happened in 2002 and I still have a vivid memory of all rehearsals, and the actual day. It was pouring rain the WHOLE time, but it was wonderful. Definitely a day to remember! I also volunteered on the Temple Open House. I don't think I have pictures though, but it was my very first experience in the temple.

Six years later President Hinckey passed away. The news hit me hard, so hard I needed some time to embrace President Thomas S. Monson as the new prophet.

It turned out while listening to Presid. Monson and learning from him, I fell in love with his big heart, his compassion, his example, his service, his humbleness, and his testimony. He is the prophet who taught me how crucial it is to read AND obtain a testimony of the Book of Mormon. He said:

"My dear associates in the work of the Lord, I implore each of us to prayerfully study and ponder the Book of Mormon each day. As we do so, we will be in a position to hear the voice of the Spirit, to resist temptation, to overcome doubt and fear, and to receive heaven's help in our lives".

My mom and I were at the Conference Center when President Monson lost this strength on the last half of his message, and had to be assisted in 2015. We were a few rows from the pulpit. It was so sad, and we were all really concerned. Then two weeks ago he passed away. While we keep his words alive in our hearts and strive to live his teachings, we welcome a new prophet of God - Russell M. Nelson, who I already love deeply.

In 2011, President Nelson was invited to address Ale and about 400 other students from LDS Business College on their commencement ceremony. President Nelson attended LDSBC in 1941.

Towards the end of his talk, he gave an apostolic blessing on the graduates:

"I bless you with the desire to be devoted disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ. I bless you with a desire to feast upon His words and apply His teaching in your lives. I bless you with health and strength that will allow you to fulfill the measure of your creation. I bless you with ability to achieve all of your goals - great, greater, and greatest".

I am grateful for these men of God, for their teachings, and for the humble experience of hearing from them, and being in their presence.


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