Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Doctor Marathon

 I snoozed the alarm clock twice when it ringed at 7:35am this morning. Giovanna had early class today, and I was so tired because Bianca woke up crying at 11pm and didn’t go back to sleep until almost 3:00am. She is complaining her belly hurts and she is also having diarrhea. So this morning after dropping off Giovanna at school I took Bianca to see a doctor.

The doctor said it could be a stomach bug, but he asked for an appendix ultrasound just in case. Appendicitis in children this young is rare, but not impossible. So right after this visit I headed to American Fork Hospital for an ultrasound. For some reason the technician could not see her appendix, but took some other images and gave them to the radiologist to look. The radiologist called the doctor who had asked for the ultrasound, and the doctor talked to me on the phone.

At this point I was already worried because the technician couldn’t see Bianca’s appendix. The doctor told me Bianca was fine, and everything else on the ultrasound looked good. But I wasn’t a 100% confident, so I called her pediatrician (who was out for vacation), and I ended up scheduling an appointment with a nurse practitioner. 

So I drove all the way to Murray. Since I moved from Salt Lake I have decided I would keep my children's pediatrician- Dr. Viera. We love her. She is amazing and worth the drive. The nurse examed Bianca and assured me she was fine and she didn’t need another ultrasound. 

I brought a stool test kit home for her, but she hasn’t pooped yet. I’ll see how she sleeps tonight. If she has another rough night, I’ll take her in again and the doctor will run some additional tests. 

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