Thursday, February 22, 2018

The Perfect Lie

Every time my heart is heavy, I pray. I pray for peace and guidance. I pray for comfort, and Heavenly Father always finds a way to comfort me. Sometimes He sends angels on my way to make my day happier, or sometimes He simply reaches my heart with an inspired message.

A while ago when I was feeling hopeless as a person, mother and wife, I read an article that deeply touched my heart, and made me understand a lot of things. It is called The Perfect Lie Satan wants us to Believe (and why we do). I even wrote some impressions I had in my journal.

Today a friend of mine posted a video on her Facebook page, and coincidentally was about this same article I had read months ago. This message came back to me in a time I need to be reminded of these things once again.

How many of us, mothers and wives, feel our dreams have been crushed, that we are not enough, or we don't do enough? This message is absolutely inspiring, and I invite you to pay attention on these words. Satan is definitely clever and he won't stop until we believe we won't ever be enough.

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