Thursday, March 8, 2018


When I talked to my mom yesterday she said she had a dream. She dreamed I was happily running on an open field. I wore a white dress with long sleeves, and I was surrounded by a light really bright. As I ran a group of young women ran after me following my light. My mom said it was a really beautiful dream and she woke up feeling really happy.

Dreams are a big deal to me. I believe Heavenly Father talks to me through them. I've had three dreams that are really special to me. They all have a profound spiritual meaning and a lesson. I believe sometimes He talks to me through my own dreams, sometimes through my mom's dreams. 

A while ago a family history consultant from our ward came to our house to help us with our genealogy. He told us to put all deceased family members names on our family tree and encouraged us to do temple work for them. That same night when I put my uncle's name on the temple list to be printed my mom dreamed of him. The details of her dream amazes me, and it is so clear to me my uncle Isaias had been taught the gospel in the spiritual world, he had accepted it and had been waiting for us to take his name to the temple. We completed all ordinances for him in 2014. Then we sealed him with my grandparents one year ago. 

Elder Bruce R. McConkie said:

"An inspired dream is a vision given to a person while he sleeps. All inspired dreams are visions, but all visions are not dreams. Vision are received in hours of wakefulness or of sleep and in some cases when the recipient has passed into a trance; it is only when the vision occurs during sleep that it is termed a dream. Sleep is something we all have in common. What satisfaction or level of enjoyment we gain from the experience varies, as does the effect it has on our minds and heart. Most of our subconscious state goes without memory. Irrational and absurd dreams are easily dismissed by an individual who has the Spirit of God. But on occasion the Lord judiciously issues dreams for His divine purposes and an individual's personal growth".

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