Friday, March 23, 2018

Giovi and Claire

This week Giovanna went to visit her best friend Claire who had a surgery a couple of weeks ago. Claire was having trouble breathing at night and she was diagnosed with sleep apnea. So on Wednesday Giovi skipped school and we headed to north Salt Lake to spend the day with her.

Claire and Giovanna are three years apart, but they get along so well. They are very (VERY) alike in so many ways, and they are like sisters- they love each other, than after a few hours together they start fighting. I love they are such good friends! 

They played, celebrated early Easter and talked about surgeries and tooth extractions. And I finally gave baby Bella her towel I've been working on for the past few months. It took me forever to get it done, but it was worth the wait. The towel turned out really cute!

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