Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Jordan River Temple Open House

Last Friday we visited the Jordan River Utah Temple that is holding an open house after being closed for renovations since February of last year.

We love taking our girls to see the temple. The tour through the temple is always a marvelous experience. When we attended the Provo City Temple open house a couple of years ago Bianca was only seven months old. This time she was able to walk through the temple and explore the rooms herself. She was so excited! She paid attention in every detail and pointed to each Jesus Christ painting. She asked "what's that?" for everything, and exclaimed "wow, that's so cute" several times. She has always loved temples, and I love that about her.

The Jordan River Utah Temple Open House will run until April 28, 2018. On May 20th the temple will be dedicated, then only worthy members of the church with a valid temple recommend will be allowed to enter it.

Make your open house reservation HERE.

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