Friday, April 13, 2018

Blackout and snow

Happy Friday the 13th!

Last night the power went out right when I was finishing some laundry. I had to spread all the damped clothes around the house trying to light my way with candles. Plus, I was washing dark clothes which didn't help at all.

I've always liked power outages. It used to happen all the time when I lived in Brazil, but since we moved to the U.S it had only happened twice within over 10 years we've been here.

Unfortunately, when the power went out the girls were already fast asleep, but I would’ve loved playing some games with them and telling them spooky stories under the candle light. 

Then this morning we woke up to see everything white. This year Spring's been silly. Some days are super warm, others days are pouring rain, and here and there snow falls making the days windy and cold. After dropping off Giovi at school today, Bibi and I stopped at the park to play for a few minutes. Then we headed back home to watch Dumbo and take a nap.

Have a good weekend! Hopefully a warm one! 

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