Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Au Pair in America - First weeks

The first months in Massachusetts were tough as I realized the English I had learned in Brazil was not enough to understand people. The Kelley kids had an incredible busy schedule with lots of driving to  school, soccer, cheerleading, dance, lacrosse, summer camps, etc. My host mother Betsy used to e-mail me their schedule which helped me a lot because I could google translate whatever I hadn't understood. 

But the first weeks were really scary, and I remember crying every single day worried about the language and the responsibility of watching somebody else's children (four of them!). I also remember the countless times people would talk to me and I would just smile having no clue what they were talking about. I thought in giving up several times, but every time I called my mom she would say: "Don't give up, things will get better". And they did.

I learned what a crock-pot is, what is like going to the mall and actually buying something I want, and how to drive an automatic car, but specially I learned how to be independent, make my own choices and take responsibility for them.

I also learned what a cookie cake is. Yum!

Braeden and "Happy Birthday Lucy"

The Kelleys bought me a cookie cake for my 23rd birthday and had it decorated with a cute "Happy Birthday Lucy". They were the first people to call me Lucy here in the US.

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