Monday, May 28, 2018

Happy Memorial Day!

I am so grateful for this country and for those who had fought and fight for the peace we enjoy every day! This morning I woke up to see beautiful American Flags stuck on the front lawn.

On the other hand my heart aches for Brazil. Have you read the news about what’s been going on there lately? A week ago self-employed truck drivers began a nationwide strike due a raise on the fuel price. In Brazil more than two thirds of cargo transport happens through trucks, so the strike is sadly causing a shortage not only of gasoline, but food and medicine across the entire country.

I talked to my sister the other day and she said she tried to fill her motorcycle tank and the gas station was empty. Same thing with groceries; the shelves were nearly empty. Even hospitals have been postponing surgeries because there is no supplies, and police forces in the streets were reduced about 50%.  This is a picture my sister posted a few days ago on her Instagram feed.

I am sick worried about my family and friends in Brazil right now. Things are getting out of hand. Protesters are everywhere and it’s been dangerous to even get out of the house. I am praying for the strike to be over soon and for everything to get to normal again.

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