Friday, May 4, 2018

Sick again?

The Utah weather this week was crazy! We had warm days, cold days and snowy days. This wishy-washy weather is making everybody around here sick. Bianca started a fever last night, and Giovanna woke up with runny nose and sneezing. 

Around 6:40am the girls were awake. I gave Bianca some Motrin and laid her in my bed while I helped Giovanna to get ready for school. By the time we were finished Bianca was fast asleep in my bed. We tiptoed out of the room and let her sleep. One hour later I went check on her and she was still sleeping in the very same position she was before.

Three minutes later I heard a sound and a cry. She had fallen from the bed. Poor thing! It is so sad when our kids are sick!

I hope everybody is okay for tonight as Giovanna will perform a typical Latino dance at Timpanogos high school. I am so excited! 

DLI (Dual Language Immersion) Latino dance last year:

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