Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Teddy Bear Clinic

A few weeks ago I pre registered the girls to the Teddy Bear Clinic. We've never been to one before and I had a completely different idea of what it actually was. The website didn't give any details so I let my imagination fly. 

What a wonderful surprise when we got there and found out what Teddy Bear Clinic was. They had asked each child to bring a stuffed animal which we did, but I thought we were suppose to donate them to kids in crises (my imagination flying). It turns out their stuffed animals had a check up- they were measured and weighted, wore masks, got shots and even had a surgery. It was so cute!!!

 We took a tour through the Timpanogos Regional Hospital while the kids got familiar with facilities and surgical equipment. It was a great experience and the girls loved it!

Then they were able to talk to a firefighter team about their job and what kids should do when they are in risk. Then they had popcorn and pet some cute animals at the petting zoo.

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