Monday, July 2, 2018

Daughters of Heavenly Father

I am so proud of my girls! This past fasting and testimony Sunday two things happened that made so happy: 1) Bianca stayed at nursery ALL BY HERSELF the entire class for the very first time. I've been trying to make her stay for so long now, and honestly I had lost my hope as she cried every time I tried to leave the room, so I would just take her to whatever class I needed to be.

This Sunday I dropped her off at nursery and left. I could hear her crying and yelling, and I confess my heart ached a little, but the Primary president talked to me some words of encouragement. So on I went to Young Women, and every few minutes I would check on Bianca until I couldn't hear her crying anymore. When I picked her up at the end of the class she was smiling and hugging everybody goodbye. I was so proud of her! It's been so hard making her stay at the nursery.

2) Also this past Sunday Giovanna spontaneously asked to share her testimony at Sacrament meeting. I am so proud of her for her testimony of this gospel! We headed to the pulpit together and we shared our testimonies about prayer, scriptures, and the great love Heavenly Father has for each one of us.

It was a beautiful experience. I am proud of my girls and I feel happy and humble for being able along with my eternal companion to teach them what is right and what they should do to return to their heavenly home.

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