Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Hill Aerospace Museum

This past Saturday our family drove all the way to Ogden to visit the Hill Aerospace Museum. It was our very first time there, and it was really cool! The girls wowed the whole time exploring the aircrafts and trying to look inside them. It was so fun the kids didn't mind the 98°F outside. Most of aircrafts are displayed out, and to be honest the museum AC was probably not working properly because it was really hot inside too.

We saw a variety of military aircrafst from around the world. The museum is fairly big and the displays are divided into five different exhibitions- The beginnings, World War II, Dawn of the Jet Age, The Cold War and Keeping the Peace. We all had a blast browsing through the airplanes and learning about wars, missals and rescuing.

The Hill Aerospace Museum is located on the northwest corner of Hill Air Force Base and it is open Monday through Saturdary from 9am to 4:30pm. Free admission.

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