Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Museum of Natural Curiosity

The Museum of Natural Curiosity at Thanksgiving Point had open its doors for the first time four years ago, but I just got to take the kids there this past week. We usually enjoy all Thanksgiving Point venues every August when they charge $2 per venue per person. Their regular price is $20 adults and $15 children each venue.

The museum is really fun and there is lots of fun things for curious minds to explore. That place was really packed, but the girls were able to try everything. The museum is also fairly big. The girls built a wall with giant Lego pieces, played some instruments at the music room, explore the science room, crossed wild bridges, played with water (Bianca's favorite), fed the fishes and much more!

Mindy and her girls joined us that afternoon. We love them! Our girls are like sisters and always have a great time together! The day was really hot, and I was glad we stayed indoors most of the time. We just  headed outside for half an hour to feed the fishes and play on the maze.

I need to highlight Giovanna was a great big sister and promptly went back to get Bianca when she started crying afraid of crossing the bridge. Nice job big sis!


**Two Bucks Tuesday will be running every Tuesday this month of August. Check HERE for more information.

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