Monday, December 17, 2018

Provo Pioneer Village

A couple of months ago I was looking for an alternative place to take Giovanna baptism’s pictures since we weren’t able to drive to This is the Place Heritage Park in Salt Lake as my sister and I had planned.

Looking up online I found out the city of Provo has a Pioneer Village we can enter for free. How sad I was when I also found out the village was close for the winter. Giovanna baptism’s theme was Pioneers and it would’ve been perfect having some of her pictures taken at the Pioneer Village.

This past weekend the Village was open for a special Christmas night. I was excited to finally meet the village, so I invited the Sarmiento family to join us last Friday, and together we enjoyed some history, hot cocoa and a typical pioneer dance. It was a fun night! The girls even met Santa Clause. Again.

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