Thursday, December 20, 2018

Sub for Santa

A few weeks ago good friends from our ward mentioned they were volunteering for Sub for Santa this year, and suggested we apply for it as we would probably qualify. Sub for Santa is a local Christmas charity that provides gifts for children, elderly, and disabled in the Utah County area.

At first we thought we shouldn’t apply for it because there might be other families in more needs than us. Then after deliberating Ale and I decided we should apply and ask for things the girls really need and it’s been hard for us to buy because they are expensive- we asked for shoes, snow gloves and winter coats.

Our Sub for Santa brought what we needed and more. They were very generous, which caused Ale to get very emotional. I’ll never forget this scene: Ale kneeling in front of the gifts, sobbing. I guess he’s  been just holding it for so long- all the stress, tiredness and concerns. Poor thing! I love him and I am grateful for all he does for our family.

"All of us at one time or another have or will feel lonely, sick, depressed, poor, or far from home. Thankfully, we have an Eternal Father and a Savior who understands us. As we go to Them, They will take us by the hand and help us through every challenge. At one time or another we will all know someone else who is lonely, sick, depressed, poor, or far from home. Our Father and the Savior may direct us to help others, and it will be our privilege to do so". - Elder Ducan

If you’d like to find out more about Sub for Santa click here.

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