Friday, April 26, 2019

Easter 2019

Our Easter was beautiful. We talked about Jesus and our appreciation for His atonement, we ate delicious food and treats, and opened a couple of surprises. I love celebrating special holidays with my family. 

For dinner we had tilapia fish with shrimp and tomatoes seasoned with garlic, soy sauce and cilantro. Giovanna wrote our names on place cards and picked where everyone should sit.

 We also did our classic egg hunt and Easter scavenger hunt. This year we went with a super cute Christ-centered Easter morning scavenger hunt idea I got from here.

Then to close the night I shared a message about the true meaning of Easter. I showed my family a video and discussed about everything Jesus Christ went through so we could leave with Heavenly Father again. We talked about even though the Easter story can be very sad (and it is!) we have reasons to rejoice because our Savior is risen, and He delivered us from being forever separated from our Heavenly Father.

I am so grateful for my family, for the gospel in my life, and for the knowledge I have of who I am, what's my purpose here on earth, and where I am returning to if I just keep my promise to do my very best to be a disciple of Jesus Christ and keep my convenants.

I am grateful for being able to teach my children they have a loving Heavenly Father Who is constantly watching over them and cheering for them on their journey back to His presence.

He loves us and He never leaves us unattended. We can always trust Him and on His promises.

I hope you had a lovely Easter time. May Heavenly Father always bless you.

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