Wednesday, May 1, 2019


It's been three weeks since Bianca asked me to let her take home a book from school. Unfortunately, the book wasn't part of the school library and it should remain in class for those who'd like to read it. So everyday after checking her out from school she would ask me to sit down and read the book before we leave.

The book she loves so much is called Olivia saves the circus. Everyday after reading it to her she would throw a fit because she wanted to take it home with her. In order to soothe her frustration I took her to the Public Library near our place to find this book and finally take it home.

The library had five copies of it- all of them checked out, and the nearest date for one of the copies to be returned wouldn't be anytime soon. So I called the Public Library in Provo and they also had five copies- all of them checked out.

So, to make Bianca happy I got all Olivia books I could possibly find- Olivia and the missing toy, Olivia forms a band, Olivia goes to Venice, but none of them made Bianca happy.

Yesterday I got a phone call from Library saying that Olivia saves the circus (which I had placed a hold a while ago) was ready for pick up, but I just could pick it up this morning. Today when Bianca asked me if I could read it to her before leaving the school I told her I had a surprise. She was so excited when she saw the book in the car!

It is so cute how by simple acts we can make our children so happy. I am sure I'll be "reading" this book by memory in no time.

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