Monday, May 27, 2019

Upper Falls Park

About two weeks ago the girls finally were able to pick out their prizes out of the "I can be nice Jar". Giovanna picked Having a friend over, and she already knows who she wants to invite. I just told her to wait until school is over (three more days!!).

Bianca got Picnic in the park. This one has been a little tough to get done because as I've already mentioned it's been raining every. single. day.

But this past Saturday we (finally) had a little break on the rain for a few hours in the morning. When the sky cleared and the sun showed up (still a bit shy) I packed some lunch, filled the car with scooters, roller blades, picnic blanket, and the girls, and together we headed to the Bridal Veil Falls.

I parked the car at the Nunn's park entrance and we rode our scooters and roller blades until we reached the Upper Falls Park. Bianca asked to have our picnic there. So we spread our blanked and we had a delicious, peaceful picnic. The view of the mountains was majestic, and we had a wonderful time!

 I love being in nature and I love being with my girls. My heart feels deeply peaceful and grateful every time. Thank you Heavenly Father! 

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Happy Memorial Day!

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