Friday, June 28, 2019

Pool and movie night

Today our family spent the afternoon at the pool. Daddy joined us for the first time this summer. He's been working and studying so hard he hasn't had the time to go to the pool with us yet. It was great to have him. We played ball, catch, and water fight.

Then around seven we headed back home to shower and go to Relieve Society activity. They planned a movie under the stars with pizza, hot dog and popcorn. I took Giovanna wiht me while Bianca stayed home with daddy for a early bed time since she didn't take a nap during the day and she was exhausted.

There were other children at the activity. The women watched to Mama Mia! and the children watched to Dumbo. It was a fun evening!

We came back home around midnight to find Ale and Bianca fast asleep. 

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