Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Feijoada and Piscina

This weekend we had the Britos over for Brazilian Feijoada and pool. I made feijoada the day before for some friends so I left half of it for the Britos who were coming the following day. They brought cheesecake for dessert, and we all had a wonderful feast.

It took me about four hours to cook feijoada because my pressure cooker is small to cook one pound of black beans plus several different kind of meats. But it was worth it. Feijoada is hands down one of my favorite meals. 

Then later after some digestion we headed to the pool with the kids where we swam until nine in the night. Then after pool I baked a carrot cake and we ate it with tea. Ale makes fun of me and says I am the only person who drinks tea and eats soup in summer.

Before the Britos left we put all the girls in the bath tub. They had a bath and put their pajamas on. That was already past ten o’clock and it was time for them to head back to Salt Lake. After kissing each other goodbye the Brito girls hopped into the car and the Bellini ones went straight to bed. I love having friends over. We always have the best of times! 

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