Monday, August 5, 2019

Deer Creek

Today I spent the entire day laying in bed with body ache and fever. 

This weekend we drove to Deer Creek lake to spend the day with some friends. We had a fun time but the water was cold (plus it was raining), and that might have made me sick, because as soon as we got back home my nose started to drip.

Also, Ale and Giovanna weren’t feeling very good. Giovi had a stomachache and the movement of the boat wasn’t helping at all, and Ale threw up the entire time we were there. Because of that we ended up heading back home earlier than expected.

Gladly, they are feeling better, but I still feel really sick. It’s past midnight and I just finished watching Footloose (which I have never watched before. I know.. I know..)Everybody else is fast asleep.

It’s going to be a long night.

* * * * * * * * *

Some videos of our time at the lake:

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