Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Marito turns 6

Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and I can’t sleep anymore. Last night I woke up at 2:30 in the morning and I just couldn’t make myself back to sleep. Then a few minutes later Bianca came to our bed because she is afraid of thunderstorms and heavy wind, and it was really windy. At 7:00 I was up. I had five hours of rough sleep with Bianca kicking me the whole time.

After dropping off the girls at school, at 8:30 I was back to Giovi’s school to help preparing the material for the Knowledge Bowl that starts tomorrow. These two last weeks of September will be busy ones with several different appointments to go and birthday party and baby shower to attend.

And speaking of birthday party, last Saturday we attended Marito’s 6th birthday celebration. I can’t believe he is already six. I still have a photo of little Giovanna holding baby Marito. Time flies and I am not sure if I like it.

 Soon I’ll start working on Giovanna’s 9th birthday. Nine! My baby is not so baby anymore.

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