Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Teeth extraction- Part II

A huge shoutout to my amazingly strong Giovanna who survived to five teeth extraction, three last week and two today.

After a visit to the orthodontist she was diagnosed with tooth ankylosis- when the tooth fuses to the bone. Also, her mouth doesn’t have enough space for permanent teeth to grow. She will need to start an expansion procedure as soon as possible, but first she needed to extract five baby teeth that were already overlapping because of her ankylosis.

After picking Giovanna up from school, we stopped at Panda Express (her favorite) to buy lunch for her. We knew it would be hard for her to eat after the extractions. Then we made a second stop at Bianca’s school to pick her up. Giovi sat down in a nice shady spot to eat before heading to the dentist.

The extractions today were easier than the last ones (although Giovi cried more). They were faster and less painful to be removed. I also talked to the dentist to be extra patient and extra loving, and Bianca comforted her big sissy the entire time, holding her hand and giving her kisses.

Giovi is being such a champion. Despite her dental phobia, she is facing her fears so bravely, and I am so proud of her! Soon, I’ll be scheduling another visit to the orthodontist. But for now, let’s let her just recover from the extractions, one tooth at a time.

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