Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Lunch for two

Around 4:00 am this morning Bianca came to my bed saying she was scared. Bianca is afraid of the dark, rainstorms, bandaids, and Frank- the Frankenstein I bought a while ago for Halloween. She climbed into my bed asking if I had hidden Frank in our car trunk. He is technically hidden in Giovanna’s closet but she doesn’t need to know that.

After waking up and getting the girls ready for school I realized I had forgotten my keys inside the car when we were driving to church last night. I had to call Ale at work and in five minutes he was home to the rescue. I am so grateful he works so close from home!

He dropped off Giovanna at school on his way back to work, and I headed to the opposite direction to drop off Bianca. I love my mornings because after taking the girls to school I have a few good hours for myself.

After my high fitness class I came back home to fix lunch for Ale and Giovanna. The only day she likes eating school lunch is Thursday when they serve pizza. All other days she takes home lunch, and every time she forgets her lunch box at school. One of these days I went to pick her up and she had three lunch boxes in her hands.

Giovanna is my forgetful child. She forgets everything at school- from sweaters to lunch boxes. I remember when she was little she’d forget her naninha everywhere! Well, I guess some things never change.

In the afternoon I cleaned the kitchen listening to my favorite Christmas jams. Then when the girls were finally home from school I asked if they wanted to watch Home Alone 2 with me, which they replied with a happy yes!

I love my two little buddies.

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