Monday, November 11, 2019

We can be like Him

My two beautiful girls along with their friends from Primary performed at a special Sacrament meeting that is held every year at our church. They touched our hearts with songs and messages of Jesus Christ and how we can become more like Him.

A while ago the Primary president called the girls to ask questions about Jesus Christ’s birth and His life here on earth. She planned the entire program using the answers of all children from Primary. It was a wonderful idea! The kids were able to express what they knew and how they felt about Jesus Christ on their own words.

Giovanna: "We can be like Jesus Christ by helping others and by saying our daily prayers. We can be peacemakers like Him".
Bianca: "The wise men brought gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh to baby Jesus".

I love children and their pure heart. They are honest, cheerful, grateful, teachable, and naturally caring. Chapter eighteen of Matthew is one of my favorite chapters in the bible. It talks about how crucial it is to learn and develop a child’s traits in order to qualify to live with Heavenly Father again.

My kids are such an example in my life. They teach me how to be better each day in a way I couldn’t learn if I didn’t have them, and I am so grateful for that. They are so little but they know when I am happy or when I am sad, and they are so considerate of my feelings.

I love them both with all my heart.

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