Monday, April 20, 2020

Spring potting- quarantine days 34-36

Our weekend was all about cleaning and sacrament meeting on Sunday. Now that it is getting warmer I am working on our annual Spring cleaning. 

I’ve organized the girls closet and donated cute clothes that don’t fit them anymore (why do they have to grow up?). We also said goodbye to toys they don’t play with anymore and we found new families to love them.

On Sunday we called my mom to participate in our sacrament meeting. Ale blessed the bread and water, and we learned about King Benjamin and his marvelous teachings.

We talked about scriptures, service, and the first coming of Jesus Christ. Then we had a special musical number with Ale playing his guitar.

Today I bought flowers for our porch. The girls helped me a little before sneaking up to ride their scooters. I love Spring and the beautiful flowers everywhere around the city.

This year we also made fairy gardens. Soon I’ll be posting about that.

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