Thursday, April 16, 2020

The best part- quarantine day 32

Today I tried a new recipe: esfihas. I tried to copycat my favorite esfihas from a Brazilian restaurant (Habib’s).

They turned out really good, and I am pretty sure I might have broken the word of the wisdom because I had five or six of them.

And that was the best part of the day.

We all had a rough morning with homeschooling. I texted a very frustrated message to Giovanna’s teacher, and she stopped by with some material and words of comfort.

Ms Sagendorf is the best English teacher Giovanna has had so far.

Later on I found this on my phone:

Giovanna is a very sensible kid, and when she realized I was so frustrated she left a message on my phone. Then I opened my drawer to find this:

And that became the best part of my day.

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