Monday, May 25, 2020

Memorial Day 2020- Covid-19 days 69-71

Happy Memorial Day!

The pool has finally opened today. I was planning not to take the girls since I thought it would be super crowded because of the holiday. BUT, surprisingly, there was just one father with his two sons at the pool, and just the boys were swimming.

We stayed six feet apart from them, and when other families started to come, we left. I was so glad I was able to take the girls. They always have a lot of fun! Tomorrow is supposed to be the hottest day. Maybe I’ll take the girls again.

Also, today I started a HIIT group my sister invited me to. We will google meet every day for ten-fifteen minutes. I am excited to lose some much needed pounds! lol

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This past Sunday Giovanna shared a beautiful message about Alma the son and the power of fasting and prayer (Mosiah chapters 25-28). It was beautiful and inspiring. Thank you baby girl!

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