Thursday, June 11, 2020

I am 37- Covid-19 day 88

 I can’t believe I am thirty seven years old! I don’t like getting old, specially knowing I am not where I would like to be in life yet.

BUT something amazing have happened, and that turned my day much brighter. Soon I will be sharing the news.

On Monday, family planned a Festa Junina for my birthday. I decorated our home and they decorated their home too in Brazil. They cooked typical food, and we had a really great time through WhatsApp video call.

Mindy also came with the girls and brought summer decorations and delicious coxinhas. The girls dressed up and we danced quadrilha. It was a mix of everything I like. I felt happy and loved.

I also loved reading warm birthday wishes on the social media and text messages.

It was one of the happiest birthdays I have had so far.

* * * * * 

Today completes three months we’ve been quarantined. Wow! 

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