Friday, July 31, 2020

Back home- Covid-19 day 138

We are back to Salt Lake! St. George was so good to us, and we sure hope to be back soon.
Since we couldn't party with the Britos for Ale's birthday, we got together for a little celebration with delicious food and cake.

We love the Brito family and any reason to be with them!

Thursday, July 30, 2020

St. George day 5- Covid-19 day 137

 We finished our trip to St. George with the majestic Bryce Canyon.

I have never seen anything like it. The rock's formation look like they were shaped by man's hand. It is mind blowing knowing its beautiful hoodoos are result of natural forces.

The girls loved it, and didn't complain at all to hike all the way down and back up.

I can't wait to go back there with the whole family. I am sure my pod in Brazil will love it as much as I did!

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

St. George day 4- Covid-19 day 136

I can't believe our trip is almost ending. It's not fair how time flies when we are having fun.
After two days in a row at the beach, our group decided to shake things up a bit and go for a hike.
So, we headed to Cedar City and up to Cascade Falls for a quick kids friendly hike. 

Another beautiful (and chilly!) place. I confess we weren't prepared for that. Gladly, we had some towels in the car.
We had a great time together and enjoying the beauty Heavenly Father created for us.

I feel so close to Him every time I am around nature. His creations are indeed majestic!

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

St George day 3- Covid-19 day 135

We loved our time in Sand Hollow so much, we decided to go back again instead of exploring other options. 

St. George is a beautiful place with lots to see.

When we got to Sand Hollow the beach was already closed after reaching the capacity of visitors. Fortunately, we were able to get in with our jet skis and sandrail through a different entrance thanks to a friend who is resident of Sand Hallow. 

We spent the day there (far apart from other visitors), and the kids lived in the water. When they were tired they would lay down under the shade, take a nap, and wake up ready to play more.

The beach at Sand Hollow has definitely become one of my favorite spots in Utah.
We closed our beautiful day with a movie under the stars. It can't get better than that.

Monday, July 27, 2020

Ale is 36- Covid-19 day 134

Happy birthday to our big daddy!!!

We love you and we are so lucky to have you in our lives.

Thirty-six looks good on you!

Friday, July 24, 2020

St. George day 2- Covid-19 day 131

We woke up and got ready to go to The beach at Sand Hollow.

All these years going to St George and I have never been there until now.
I don't have enough words to even start describing how amazing this place is! The lake really felt like a beach with its sand and warm water (80 degrees!) and the waves from the boats and jet skis.

When we came back home it was already night. We stopped at a park near by to watch the fireworks in celebration to Pioneer's day.
What a glorious day!

Thursday, July 23, 2020

St George day 1- Covid-19 day 130

St. George here we go!

The kids did SO good during the four hour drive to St George. I didn’t hear them complaining once. 

We had dinner at Cafe Sabor while Bianca took focused, well-centered picture of us. The food was delicious. 

Then we put the kids to bed early to enjoy the fun day we have planned for them tomorrow.