Monday, July 6, 2020

Fast Sunday- Covid-19 days 111-113

Sunday, we had fast and testimony meeting at our home church. I felt the Spirit so strong throughout the meeting.

We sang We Stand all Amazed as the opening hymn, then Ale blessed the sacrament for us. I am always emotional seeing my worthy priesthood holder blessing  the sacrament for our family.

I keep saying the biggest blessing from this coronavirus season has been partaking of the sacrament in our home.

After the sacrament we each took turns sharing our testimonies. It was beautiful and deeply touching.

Bianca shared an experience from preschool when a new student arrived and Bianca asked if she wanted to be her friend, and how she shared the toys and made her new friend feel welcomed. It was a really cute testimony.

Giovanna borne her testimony of how she can rely on Heavenly Father to learn and improve in school, and even though she is scared to go to a new school next year, she knows Heavenly Father will be with her.

I shared my gratitude and reality of the Book of Mormon, and I acknowledged all the blessings we have received from a loving Heavenly Father.

Ale’s testimony touched me deeply. I am grateful for his love and commitment to the gospel of Jesus Christ and his testimony of the restoration of His true church.

He is an example to our children, and I love him for that.

I love this gospel and the happiness it brings to my life and the life of my family. 

I am a lucky gal.

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