Monday, August 17, 2020

Happy Birthday Bibi and more! - Covid-19 day 155

 Today my baby Bianca turns FIVE! It is so hard to see her growing up, specially because she is my last one and I wish she was a baby forever.

Bianca is a happy, energetic, smart little girl. She is loving and caring, and I know she will grow up to be a wonderful human being who will do amazing things.

 She loves being home with her family and her toys. She has a strong personality, but she is so easy to please. She's grateful, and loves Jesus Christ.

Today we woke her up at 7:00am with breakfast in bed. I made her delicious pancakes topped with strawberries and bananas. Then the girls got ready for their first day of school.

Bianca gets off earlier then Giovanna. She came back home telling how she had to wear her mask the whole time while in class, how great her morning was, and how her teacher and friends sang happy birthday to her.

I am so happy she had a great time!

Later, after picking up Giovi from school, we had a special dinner, then we took Bibi to Menchie's- her favorite spot for ice cream.

Then once we got home Ale gave each Bellini girl of the house (including myself) a priesthood blessing. This year will be full of challenges, but it will be full of good surprises too. I know that! 

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