Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Meet the teacher- covid-19 day 150

Today the girls met their new teachers. Bianca will be in Ms Haws’s class and Giovanna will be in Ms Johnson’s class.

I’ve heard wonderful things about both of them, and I am excited for the girls.

School starts on Monday, 17th, right on Bianca’s birthday.

I asked Ms Haws if I could bring some cupcakes to the class, but because of the virus, this year kids won’t be allowed to pass out yummy treats on their birthdays. So sad!

Back to school this year will be a lot different, and I confess I feel discouraged with some measures the school is taking to keep everyone safe (like dropping off the girls without even getting out of the car on the first day!!!).

But again, I understand these hard decisions have to be made to keep us safe.

Soon, I will take our traditional ‘back to school photos’ of the girls, and I excited about that.

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