Friday, August 28, 2020

Weekend Hooray!- Covid-19 day 166

 Hooray for the weekend, specially because that means I can sleep in. I've been feeling so tired since the girls started school, I could use extra hours in bed. But I am happy we are closing one more successful week of school and work.

Today, we had a few friends from our ward over for a night swim. We spent a couple of hours swimming, playing, talking, and laughing (tons), and we just came back home around 10:00pm when the pool closed.

The water was warm and pleasant. The weather was perfect with no wind. We had a great time (so great I even forgot to take pictures). I literally stayed in the water the whole time.

Next week I may invite a few friends of Giovanna from Windsor. She really misses them.

Have a great weekend you all! 

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