Thursday, October 1, 2020

Covid-19 day 200

Today completes two hundred days since Coronavirus hit us and it drastically changed our lives.

The girls keep wearing theirs masks in school, and we are still avoiding restaurants, playgrounds, and any type of crowds. I still wipe all my groceries, and we still hold home church every Sunday.

I’ve heard several dear members of our ward contracted the virus, and it is so sad! 

I am grateful for having Ale working from home and for the protection Heavenly Father has giving my children while attending school.

We are all healthy despite the increased number of infected people in our community. The cities of Provo and Orem are back from yellow to orange phase again.

This year has been difficult and has been stretching us in so many ways, specially the kids. I am so impressed by their resilience. They’ve been so so good!

We trust our Heavenly Father and we are excited to hear Him through His prophet and through His servants in this upcoming General Conference.

In the meantime, we will keep enjoying peace and health in our home.

And some brownies too.

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