Thursday, October 15, 2020

Fall break 2020- Covid-19 day 214

Fall break has began. We were planning to go to St. George with the Britos like last year, but unfortunately it didn’t happen.

Bottom line: I cannot wait for this year to be OVER! It feels like 2020 has been cursed.

Anyways, since we will be staying home for five days, I am making sure the girls have fun and get out of the house.

In the morning, the girls played at the park for a couple of hours, then in the evening we took them to University Place for a Halloween festivity.

It was fun and c o l d!

We finished our day with Cafe Rio for dinner and a movie. 

In a piece of paper each one of us wrote the name of the movie we wanted to watch, then we put all the papers in the hat, and drew one out.

Bianca’s movie was picked and we watched Maleficent. 

It was a relaxing, fun first day of Fall break.

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