Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Thankful- Covid-19 day 255

Three years ago our family started a new tradition. Every day during meal time we each say one thing we are grateful for. Bianca was only two when she started saying she was grateful for temples. 

Every year around Thanksgiving time when I think about things I am thankful for, I realize it all comes down to the incredible love Heavenly Father has for me. His pure and genuine love for me is undeniable, and I feel it every day and in every aspect of my life, and I don’t even deserve it. 

I specially felt His love and care during this strange year of 2020. Our family was and has been immensely blessed. 

I am thankful for the knowledge I have He is real, that we are His sons and daughters, and one day we can be reunited again. 

I can’t wait.

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