Monday, December 28, 2020

Christmas 2020- Covid-19 day 286-288

 In honor of 2020 that was so different from all of us in the world had imagined it would be, our family planned a different Christmas eve from previous years.

For dinner we cooked salmon instead of our traditional turkey.

Ale tried new rolls. Christmas is the only time of the year we eat The Lion House rolls. This year he made Beehive rolls. 

They were so good! BUT The Lion House rolls are still my favorite. 

Grocery shopping for our dinner was kind of hard. We couldn’t find much, so we had to be creative. Gingerbread houses were nowhere to be found.

The girls and I backed and decorated our own gingerbread houses. It was surprisingly easy to make. Just putting the parts together didn’t work as expected, so we ended up gluing them with hot glue gun.

We also watched movies and played games. A little past eleven the girls left cookies and milk for Santa and carrots for his reindeers.

On Christmas day they woke up to find the cookies, carrots, and milk were gone, and gifts were left under the tree.

They both rushed to the Christmas tree to be the first one to find the pickle- a Christmas tradition we started in 2018.

After a while Bianca found it granting her the right to open the first gift of Christmas in our home.

They were so happy! We had a happy, spiritual, and beautiful time as always. I love Christmas! 

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