Monday, December 7, 2020

Weekend- Covid-19 days 265-267

Dad is back home and the girls are so happy. The weekend, unfortunately, wasn’t exactly what we had planned.

The girls broke one branch of our Christmas tree, then the mirror in my room, and a frame with a picture of Jesus Christ that used to sit on Bianca’s dresser.

I confess I’ve been discouraged with the girls lately. They fight more than play, and I can hear Bianca yelling at her sister as she teases her all day.

On Saturday morning, I ran to Kneaders to get caramel syrup for our pancakes while the girls stayed home setting up the table for breakfast.

We watched “Black Beauty”- the new Disney+ movie,  and we played games. But after the girls broke the things around the house, I was done and sent them to their room for the rest of the Saturday.

Then on Sunday we had Sacrament meeting in the morning, and in the afternoon we went to pick up Ale. 

I also took the girls to the Christmas drive thru the sisters from the stake had planned for the Primary children.

As we drove the girls read signs about the events that preceded Jesus’s birth and enjoyed a live nativity. Then in the end of the drive thru the sisters handed bags with crayons, nativity coloring pages, and a treat for the girls.

It was so simple and so thoughtful. I love this time of the year!

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