Thursday, January 28, 2021

Snow- Covid-19 day 319

This week we finally had some snow. The girls are excited and looking forward to go sledding this weekend. Hopefully, it won't melt until then.

I remember in October 2010 when Giovanna was born we had already tons of snow that month. And after that year we started having less and less snowy days. It is so sad, specially because we need the snow for the water.

The girls horseback riding lessons haven't been canceled. Their trainer said unless there is a big storm, they will ride under rain or snow. So today, Bianca rode under a few drops of rain. BUT the arena was muddy and the horse Bibi was riding on didn't seem to be enjoying it.

He complaint a few times and at some point he even startled. Fortunately, Bianca was able to hold herself up and she didn't fall. It was a scary moment, and I am glad I was there. Bianca on the other hand LOVES horses and riding way too much to mind.

Atta girl. 

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